Some useful information of learning the docker and oracle database

作者: shaneZhang 分类: 互联网技术 发布时间: 2019-09-28 12:11
// login the docker
sudo docker login
// search the oracle-11g databaes
docker search docker-oracle-xe-11g
// download the oracle-xe-11g docker file
sudo docker pull marcelmaatkamp/docker-oracle-xe-11g
// run docker: -h "oraclehost" is set the hostname, --name is set the docker name is "oracle" -d is // set the background runing  -p is set the port   main host system port : docker system port
sudo docker run -h "oraclehost" --name "oracle" -d -p 1521:1521 marcelmaatkamp/docker-oracle-xe-11g
// look at the docker ID
sudo docker ps
// exec shell in docker 4eb60e809509 is the docker ID
sudo docker exec -it 4eb60e809509 /bin/bash

// use the system user enter the oracle databaes 
sqlplus system/oracle

// change the system password
alter user system identified by zhangyuqing;

// logout

// relogin
sqlplus system/zhangyuqing;

//stop the docker
docker stop oracle

// start the 
docker start oracle



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