Learning note of vim (1)

作者: shaneZhang 分类: VIM专题 发布时间: 2019-11-19 22:57
multimode of vim:

I insert model
N normal model
C command model
V visual modelde

normal -> insert model
i: focus in current position
I: focus in first position of current line
a: focus next in current position
A: focus last position of current line
o: focus in first position of next line 
O: focus in first position of previous line

N -ESC-> I 
N -ESC-> C
N -ESC-> N

HJKL control the focus:
h: focus left
l: focus right
j: focus next line
k: focus previous line

Normal Model: 
yy: copy current line to clipboard
    3yy: copy three lines  to clipboard
    y+$: focus to last position of this line
p: past the clipboard

dd: cut current line
    d+$:cut focus position to last position of this line
    5dd: cut 5 lines
u: reset last operation
ctrol + r: redo the "reset last operation"

x: delete the 1 position

3+G: go to the third line
g: go to the first line
G: go to the bottom line

^ (shift + 6): goto first position of current line
$ (shift + 4): goto last portion of current line 

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