Today I want to announce a good news. That is time radio is landing on youtube. Time radio is a radio station I heard when I was reading in my school. At that time , I liked this station very much...
Synthesize video files with mp3 and images using ffmpeg in MacOS
First step you should install dependence files. brew install ffmpeg brew install libmagic pip install eyed3 Then you can use the terminal to test the ffmpeg command. And you should see the f...
The first article of the “Atomic Habit”
Small changes in context can lead to large changes in behavior over time.Every habit is initiated by a cue. We are more likely to notice cues that stand out. Make the cues of good habits obvious i...
First meet “Control Habit”
Rencently I read a book named "Control habit" and it make me think for a long time. When I first see this book at the airport bookstore, I was full of curiosity for this book. So I bought it. I ho...
From today,I am going to write a blog in English
From today,I am going to write a blog in English. Maybe everyone have different situations at different times , and I always believe that I will become my master in the future. I want to improve m...
A:首先假设一条腿可以往前迈一步B:恩A:然后假设另外一条腿在任何情况下都能迈出去B:那会怎样?A:这样的话就能够进行到无限的远方,这就是数学归纳法。 通过上面一段对话确实能够清晰的表达出数学归纳法...
首先需要创建一个jenkins任务,由于我们公司的UI设计稿是采用SVN来管理,在UI的同学和开发的同学经常在沟通方面不及时的问题,于是我想办法写了这个钩子。 主要用到的shell如下,当前前提还是需要先创建一个j...
resources or resource_bundles CocoaPods 在 0.23.0 加入了一个新属性 resource_bundles。也就是说在0.23.0版本以前用resources而在0.23.0以后使用resource_bundles。那么现在基本要使用resource_bundles了...
SVG 是一种基于 XML 语法的图像格式,全称是可缩放矢量图(Scalable Vector Graphics)。其他图像格式都是基于像素处理的,SVG 则是属于对图像的形状描述,所以它本质上是文本文件,体积较小,且不管放大多少倍...
你需要知道的java基础知识 java基础知识 JDK是Java 语言的软件开发工具包,由于我们这里使用到了jenkins,jenkins的运行来依赖于jdk,所以要提前安装jdk.在MacOS中安装jdk是非常方便的,直接去官网...
用python添加iOS Framework的Debug标记
今天晚上找到了一个dnspod的插件,由于certbot生成通配符的ssl证书在dns配置环节可谓是非常之麻烦,麻烦,于是刚刚好又发现了这个插件,终于可以自动化的配置了。 安装python插件 sudo apt-get install pytho...